Lord of chaos on daemonic mount warscroll
Lord of chaos on daemonic mount warscroll

€160,-42,- Stormcast Expansion Lord-Castellant with Gryph-Hound, 1 box Prosecutors, 1 box Paladins and 2 boxes Judicators

lord of chaos on daemonic mount warscroll lord of chaos on daemonic mount warscroll

€650,50 The Vengeance of Azyrheim (Stormcast Eternals Warrior Chamber) Lord-Celestant, a Lord Castellant, a Knight-Heraldor, a Knight-Vexillor, a Knight-Azyros, a Knight-Venator, a Celestant-Prime, a set of Prosecutors, four sets of Liberators, three sets of Paladins and two sets of Judicators N/A The host Azyric Celestant-Prime, a Knight-Azyros, a Knight-Vexilor, a Knight-Heraldor, a Knight-Venator, a set of Retributors, two sets of Judicators, three sets of Liberators and four sets of Prosecutors €204,- The Vengful Storm Knight-Venator, a Knight-Azyros and 3 Prosecutor box €164,50 Warrior Chamber Command Lord-Celestant, Lord-Castellant (with Gryph Hound), Knights Heraldor, Vexillor, Azyros and Venator €201,- Wardens of the Realmgate Lord-Castellant+Gryphhound, 2x Liberator box, 1x Prosecutor box, 1 Realmgate box(2 realmgates) €184,- Devastation Brotherhood 3x Paladin box, 1x Prosecutor box €178,- Vanguard Wing 3x Prosecutor box, 1x Liberator box


€141,- Knight Excelsior Chamber 1x Liberator box, 1x Paladin box, 1x Prosecutor box, Knights-Excelsior Upgrade set €141,- Celestial Warbringer Chamber 1x Liberator box, 1x Paladin box, 1x Prosecutor box, Celestial Warbringers Upgrade set €138,- Hammerstrike Force 2x Paladin box, 1x Prosecutor box N/A Thunderhead Brotherhood 3x box Liberators, 2x box Judicators €275,-3,- The Skyborne Slayers new battalion: Lord­ Celestant, two units of Liberators, two units of Judicators, one unit of Decimators, one unit of Protectors N/A New releases all new stuff not in Starter €80,- Skybolt Hailstorm 2x box Judicators (weapon options) €160,- Celestial Thunder 4x box Liberators (weapon options) €100,- Starterbox 2x5 Liberators (Hamer+Shield), 3 Retributors, 3 Prosecutors, Lord-Relictor 40mm, Lord-Celestant on Dracoth 90x50mm

lord of chaos on daemonic mount warscroll

€30,- Vanguard Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows and Aetherwings OR Vanguard Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows and Aetherwings 40mm (for the Vanguard-Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows), 60x35mm Oval (for the Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows) 32mm (for the Aetherwings) €120,- Lord-Celestant on Stardrake OR Drakesworn Templar 170x105mm Oval €55,- Lord-Celestant on Dracoth (2 models) OR 2 Dracothian Guard Concussors OR 2 Dracothian Guard Fulminators OR 2 Dracothian Guard Desolators OR 2 Dracothian Guard Tempestors 90x52mm Oval €59,- 6 Prosecutors with Javelins OR 6 Prosecutors with Hammers 40mm €33,- Knight-Azyros OR Knight-Venator 50mm €46,- Prosecutors 1x3 (Weapon options for Celestial Hammers OR Stormcall Javelins) 40mm

lord of chaos on daemonic mount warscroll

€46,- Paladins 1x5 (weapon options) - Retributors (2h Hammer), Decimators (2h Axe), Protectors (Glaive) 40mm €40,- Judicators 1x5 (weapon options) 40mm €30,- Lord Castellant with Gryph Hound both 40mm €40,- Liberators 1x5 (weapon options) 40mm Red = paying more!!, Green = paying less, Black = normal priced (no benefits or losses) Prices in Euro's (as that is my location), packs are color coded if they are priced differently then buying the stuff loose outside of the pack. Some pack bundles may already be discontinued, but will be kept here for reference (so just click a link to check if some are still available) I'll keep this updated as soon as there will be pre-orders up. With some extra posts to keep so expansion room Next posts will be a divide per alliance and in them divided per faction/army as per the grand alliance books / GW website. So there for I created this new thread to have some additional room before hitting post character limitations. After asking our moderation team, there wasn't an easy solution to expand the posts in the previous thread to cater towards all the stuff we are going to get especially with the coming of the Grand Alliances and the separation of factions/armies.

Lord of chaos on daemonic mount warscroll